Frankly, these errors just don't exist. The mint would not likely use the wrong ink by accident, and it certainly wouldn't happen repeatedly in different denominations and different series. I checked out the recent sales by coinsandnotesexpress, and nearly half of the 35 were bogus yellow seal errors netting the seller over $500. This is really just a case of buyer bestupid. If you can use the internet to buy bills on eBay, you can also research whether such bills can exist. The same seller also has some $2 bills with orange seals instead of red. What a coincidence!

This error is so obvious that it's amazing anyone falls for it. Basically, if a bill is miscut in the exact same way on the front and back, it's simply been cut that way by someone who bought a sheet of notes (usually 32 notes, tho possibly a smaller group from the mint). These notes cost no more than about twice their nominal value, so you could get 24 such phonies from a 4x8 sheet of bills. For fake $1 bills, their actual value, then, is approximately $2. The note shown above has a buy-it-now price of $70 to go with the sob story of how the seller is forced to liquidate his stuff because of the recession.

This is a type of error that really does occur, but there are also ways to fake it, as by using solvents and even micro-abrasion. I'm guessing that it's better to try this on a circulated note in order to mask the scuff marks, but that raises an important question: Who in their right mind would not notice such a striking bill and simply take it out of circulation? In other words, this error is highly unlikely except in excellent condition. I bought one such note on eBay but sent it back to the seller because it clearly had undergone some treatment; it just didn't feel right. It felt like an old shirt.
I think the seller turned around and tried selling it again, and he didn't do well in either case, so it hardly seems worth the effort. It's quite possible that he bought the note from someone and then, not knowing it was phony, tried to sell it on eBay.

$1. Series 2003a. Condition: VF. 9 bids. $32.40. Date: 4/26/10

Offset errors are cool, but these days, thanks to color printers, they're a lot easier to fake. This one, however, is so patently obvious a fake that only a moron would be fooled by it. The thing is, there is no way that the supposed offset would be (a) forwards, rather than mirror image, (b) at that angle, and most importantly, (c) a different color ink. It doesn't help things that the same seller hornswoggled two other buyers with almost identical notes during the same week. He made over $200 with nothing more than $11 in currency, a photocopier, and some small auction fees.


This error might be even more obvious than the fake offset errors above. What's so priceless about this one is how the little 12s are correctly situated while the black treasury seal is supposedly skewed way right. In fact, anyone can tell that the seal was erased (or scraped away); the seller then printed another one elsewhere on the bill.
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